Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Great Lent 2011, Week 2, Day 2

Sorry I'm a day late...it's already Day 2 of Week 2.

Desert Deliberation's Great Lenten commission in week 2 is to give drink to the thirsty.  Being that I live in the desert, this is fairly easy for me.  Homeless shelters will soon be in dire need of cases of water as the temps rise above 100°.  Even now, with it being in the 80's, you can find yourself thirsty pretty quickly. 

Other ways of fulfilling Week 2 could be returning back to your local food pantry and donating water.  Or, given the dire circumstances in Japan, a donation to your favorite international charity certainly works too.  If you don't have a favorite one, you can use one of mine, International Orthodox Christian Charities found here.  In addition to monetary donations, you can also assemble Emergency Kits in your home and mail the items to the IOCC.  There are emergency health kits, baby kits, school kits and clean-up buckets.   Here's the direct link to this idea.  It can be an easy way to get your children involved as well.

I would like to add, if I wasn't clear last week, that the point of this Lenten project is not just "to do" a nice deed.  We should be doing these things every week of the year, not just during Lent.  Hopefully we can put in motion this idea of fulfilling these acts of mercy on a more regular conscious basis, not having to be prompted by a food drive at school or catastrophic world events.  It is easy to get wrapped up in one's own life and completely forget those around you.  I just figured that Great Lent would be perfect opportunity to unwrap myself.

Yes, like the One who completely unwrapped himself and willingly spread His arms out to embrace all of humanity...I think you know who I'm talking about...

Lenten mediation to follow later this week... 

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