Thursday, September 30, 2010

Final tree post and next month's topic

I can't believe it but we have come to the end of our month of trees.  At the beginning I really didn't have many ideas, but as September rolled on, tree topics kept springing up in places where I least expected them to.  Glory to God for that!

This last post on trees is quite simple.  Either go to the library or pick up a copy of the book below at your local bookseller.  It's meant to be a children's story but truthfully it is a tale for every single human being regardless of age, gender, race or religion.

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
 Here's the link to purchase it from Amazon.  The first time my husband read this to our eldest child, he came out of her room sniffling and wanting to know why I had not warned him about the story.  Buy it, borrow it, whatever.  Just read it. You won't be disappointed.

And finally, next month's topic is....HEALTH.  Spiritual health, Emotional health, Physical health.  See you tomorrow!

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